Welcome to our library of free training plans for runners. Our ambition is to make this the most extensive source of free training programs for runners. We’re currently hard at work compiling plans, so as of now our selection is limited to plans for beginner runners.
If you can’t find what you’re looking for, make sure to sign up for our weekly newsletter about running to get a notice when we publish additional training plans.
Free Running Training Plans for Beginners
We tailored these training plans for people who want to start running, or are just getting back to it. The programs are founded on our philosophy on training intensity for beginners. By combining walking and running, they establish a foundation for long term consistency.
The number one priority for runners following these plans should be to make running a habit. Don’t worry too much about the exact specifications of each run. Instead, focus on getting out the door, and doing the job.
Both plans have three weekly runs on the schedule, with Monday, Wednesday and Friday as running days. You can switch the days, but I recommend one rest day between each run. If you wish to start with two runs per week, you can skip the Monday run each week.

5k — 12 weeks
If you find it challenging to runmore than 20 minutes without stopping, this is the perfect training plan for you. The 12-week program will get you in shape to run a 5k without walking breaks.
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10k — 12 weeks
Can you already run a 5k without stopping? Awesome job! I’ve tailored this plan to get you to the next level. Follow the sessions outlined in the plan to get in shape to finish a 10k without stopping.
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