Good morning,
Did you know that we have a Run161 Strava group? No? Well you should totally join us anyways.
I’ve got an idea for a new section for the newsletter where I highlight one workout that someone in the Run161 community did last week. But before we can get that off the ground, we need a few more of you to join. Otherwise I’ll just be talking about my own workouts. (Boring!)
Thanks to those of you who took the time to respond to the survey I shared last week. I really appreciate it. The results are interesting, and will help me decide what the future of this newsletter looks like.
The survey will run for a few more days, and I’ll share some insights with you next week. But if you want to help shape the future of the Run161 Newsletter, click here to voice your opinion.
That out of the way, let’s get down to business.
How Much Rest Should You Take During Your Interval Workouts?

“Manipulating the amount of rest in a given workout changes the benefits you gain and physiological systems you target. Tweaking the time taken between intervals can greatly modify the overall intensity of a workout, so you need to put as much thought into the rest periods between your intervals as you do the hard running.”
Working on an article on this exact subject, this one from Runner’s World caught my mind. A very informative piece on rest intervals during workouts. Fun fact: Did you know that the “interval” in “interval session” originally referred to the interval of rest between the reps. Feels like everyone uses the term when talking about the block of work these days.
I have taken up running – and lost my grip on reality

“In my mind I am now an elite athlete, obsessed with every small sign of progress. How has this happened to me?”
All of us can relate to this amusing opinion piece by Anita Chaudhuri. And if you can’t, you’re probably just even more out of touch with the real world than the rest of us are. Or, you’re one of the very few (but much cherished!) elite runners reading this. I’ll leave you to ponder on which it is.
How Much Running Is Too Much Running?

“We’re constantly told that too many of us are inert. But now a select few are too active. As a sedentary society struggling to reckon with the confining world we have built, our relationship to movement lurches between extremes.”
When does a healthy habit become a damaging obsession? It’s a balancing act that many runners have, and will continue to face. Aaron Reuben goes into the details of unhealthy exercise obsession in this article from last year.
That’s all for this edition of the newsletter. See you next week!
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